March 3rd Snowshoeing Report

Awesome tour Tuesday after the thaw! Private couple tour with Hillary and Ben (pictured below). Good time with good people. We keep attracting such wonderful guests.

Our snow pocket on the north slope set up overnight and delivered sublime spring conditions where we bushwhack everywhere but the snowshoes don’t sink in requiring us to break and pack trail. Conditions will remain good for a few more weeks unless it gets really warm. Cold nights in the forecast will keep things nice. No rain 🌧 coming. Yeah.

Stay tuned for the latest reports and trip photos.

Saturday the 6th is full and Sunday 7th has two spaces open. Midweek tours are available. FOLLOWING weekend is booking. Trying to put together a Friday the 5th 10am trip if anyone’s interested. Call 301-746-4083

Links to our favorite weather and local web cams. Please note: As spring progresses more and more snow will disappear and vanish all round the lake. HOWEVER- The special north slope where we offer tours will hold snow for a quite awhile. In fact we may get a situation where you will drive the entire way to our meeting place and see NO snow until you get there.

The best snow season in years is ending with a great spring snowpack (depending on exposure) of 6-24”. When you make your business with snow you figure out where it is deep and protected. Come join us as this great winter slips slowly away!

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