Bushcraft and Basic Survival Skills Instruction

Our 3 Hour Bushcraft and Survival Skills Program is an excellent introduction into the basic outdoor skills and survival concepts needed to withstand and handle natures elements for a few days to a few weeks or more.

The Boy Scout Motto ~~ “Be Prepared”

  • wilderness route finding

This survival skill and bushcraft learning program is intense hands on learning and differs from our Team Survivor Program which is more problem solving, focused on leadership skills, team work and following directions. Team Survivor is a full day program designed for larger groups, team play and has a wide gamut of learning to include myth making and tribal arts and group identity. Both programs teach participants outdoor skills such as fire building and route finding.

Our Bushcraft Survival Skill Program is three hours of adventure learning in the back country and forested areas of Garrett County, Maryland, near Deep Creek Lake. Participants will receive personal instruction from Crede and complete several tasks such as fire building, route finding and shelter construction using tarps, plastic and available natural materials.

Additional survival and backcountry skills taught include:

  • Techniques for fire building in all weather
  • How to properly pitch a tarp in a variety of configurations
  • Items to consider in a survival kit and bug out bag – the ten essentials
  • Basic wilderness route finding, map and compass use
  • Shelters from available materials
  • Survival psychology
  • What to do if you get lost
  • Basic edible wilds of Appalachia and beyond
  • Water purification and cooking without pots
  • Hypothermia awareness and prevention
  • Basic introduction to snares

Program Fee: Minimum fee is $300.00 for up to two participants. Additional participants are $20 each. Group rates my be available.

What to Bring:

  • Dress for the weather (in layers). Program runs rain, snow or shine.
  • Adequate footwear is suggested. In winter snowmobile or Sorrel style boots with a removable felt liner are suggested.
  • Small daypack, water bottle, snack
  • Bring adequate protection from wet and wind

Program Availability: Program is offered on a custom basis for individuals, families and small groups. We do adhere to strict Covid 19 safety precautions and all participants are required to wear a mask correctly if directed to do so by the program leader (s), especially if adequate physical distance cannot be maintained. No exceptions.

Lead instructor Crede Calhoun has been a mountain guide teaching practical outdoor skills and survival knowledge to folks of all ages for over 45 years. His professional outdoor guiding career started in 1975 leading backpacking trips, managing cross country skiing centers and leading year mountaineering, backpacking and climbing trips for Wilderness Trails, Inc of Cleveland Ohio. He has taught survival to corporate groups, camps, scouts, youth programs, schools and individuals. In the early 1980’s he moved to the West Virginia mountains to live in a remote cabin on Gibson Knob to learn practical outdoor living skills such as hunting and fishing. He helped found Elk River Touring Center and then eventually founding Camp Earth and then All Earth Eco Tours in 2000 with his wife, Carol who guided french speaking Canadian canoe tripping adventures as a young woman. Here’s a feature article about Crede that appeared in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Sunday Magazine on May 20th, 1979, The Wilderness is His Classroom.

Crede with Diablo

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